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Your Leone's Custom-Made suit comes with your choice of thousands of button, liner and
fabric choices. View some of our options here.
Choose from over 1,000 interior liner options, from traditional to whimsical.
We proudly offer over 8,000 high-end fabric options including: Italian-woven Australian Wool, Seer Sucker, Silks, Cashmere and Tweed. Budget- friendly Polyester blends also available.
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Italian Wool Suits Leones UT | Contemporary Suits Utah- Leones | Made to order suits-Utah- Leone's | Suit Cleaning Utah | Suit-Alterations-Fast-Utah |
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All of our suits include functional buttonholes with real working buttons and your choice of buttonhole colors. Kissing buttons* also available.
(*Popular with Italian suits, Kissing buttons are buttons that touch slightly as opposed to being spaced apart.)
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